Saturday, August 27, 2011


I should be napping now. But here I am...again. My weekend was fun, but I am super pooped. I worked my usual Thurs night, no big deal. Then for some reason I couldn't sleep at all! I mean go figure. I usually have no problem. But we are having our heat wave I guess...but in Las Vegas, thats our normal. I I find it amusing they have heat warnings now, I mean where were they when I was growing up? Its called you live in the desert, you goof. Deal with it! So, I didn't go to sleep until noon..and I overslept big time, till like 730pm. I had so much to do when I got up...and it kind of went down the toilet. So..I ran to the post office, after eating my dinner after 10. And then I didn't go to sleep till 3am. I tell you, I felt so backwards....and up at 730 am, again. I was  waiting for banks to open, and i'm so glad mine are on satudays :). Went to breakfast..and then got my banking stuff done...then off to get Jessie up.  Phew!

I was home like for an hour. Then I get a call from my grandma, who wants to stay somewhere cooler than her home which is a swamp was hotter than haiti, I ran over a key, invited her over...she went to a church mtg. Went to a mexican store...
Seriously....a party in a store. Aye Caramba! :)
  Unfortunately..when I go into these mexican stores, sometimes I land myself into trouble. I had the pleasure of holding up a line for what seemed like forever because they couldn't run a check that I wrote. My debit card had been tampered, and I was awaiting the new, so for now...checks it is.  I must admit...I would much rather use my card. Don't realize how much I miss it until its gone. :(

After I loaded the groceries...I saw the skies above, and the rain smell in the air....     
To Henderson. Of course! Time to pick up Joeleene. To Sugarland we go!!!
But first...back to my house to get ready, and put groceries away. And I get a call from my grandma, who tells me she fell again.  I'm freaking out a little...I have somenone go look in on her cause i'm on my way out the door...she is doing ok. to dinner, i've been waiting for this...:)
Texas de Brazil at Town Square. Do you see the windows there?
Oh dear. Joeleene, didn't get the full shot, LOL. But here I am. :) See the guy opening the door?
After we took pictures...we walked around the ENTIRE restaurant trying to find the front door.  ;)

                                   "Where's the door?"  :)

I didn't know how much influence I had...because I turn around to see a big group of people following us. Hahaha! The first picture I took of the restaurant, the window was the door. I amuse easy!
Texas de Brazil is a Churrascaria. Churrascario is Portugese for grilled meat.
First go grab your grub from the salad bar...
                                         Then when you are ready...flip your card, Green means go, Red means stop.
                                                   Stop what? You ask.....
Waiters by one and keep offering you cuts of meat. I think I might go vegetarian this week, LOL. I do love steak!
My tiny diet coke. When offered refills...I asked "Do you charge per bottle?" Waiter: "yes."  Me "Then I will drink water." :P

It was so good! I ate here at the reccomendation of friends that have been here multiple times. But, its maybe a one time thing for me. But you can get coupons on their website. But come hungry!!
 Next, time for the concert.....
Our seats were high in the sky high....rafters high. But it was still great!

                                              But at least I was the top row against the wall...its a party. ;)
                                                     First up....Sarah Barrelis

I love this song.
Next up was the main act....Sugarland!!  :D
I can see them now....

Our view....

It was such a good concert.  Thanks Joeleene, had a great time!

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