The Bride and Groom wanted each member of their wedding party to speak for a minute in public to the bride and groom. Did you see the commercial from Hallmark where the guy reads from a card? I took a page from that. I wish I had the card, it was very nice. But for my purposes this cute jar will do. :)
The the purple.
Bride and Groom...
Their first dance. That screen was showing pics in the background, and that came when I took the pic. It was meant to be. They ARE sealed For Time and All Eternity!
Maid of Honor, Sylvia.
Garder time! And, it was army themed, LOL
Each table had a jar with a daisy, it represented Theo's father who had passed away. I love that idea. Each table had a name, Bliss...Eternity..Happiness, etc.
When we were in Maui, Andrea had saw the Hawaiian Wedding Blessing, it has a hawaiian couple. I found it online!!
Special shout out to Honda Civic...super nice, and wow leg room!
And to Garmie....where oh where would I be without you? Probably lost in a corn field.
We missed our Mexicans, didn't see one...then in our motel parking lot we found the best Mexican food east of Las Vegas. El Camposino....thanks for providing our mexican fix and the weight gain, LOL.

We also discovered a real White Castle. It was way better than the frozen ones from Albertsons!
Blogger deleted my pic, if i can figure it out, it will come back. Otherwise, check Days of Our Lives. Andrea and Theo congratulations on your sealing. I wish you every happiness. God be with you till we meet again.
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