Sunday, March 13, 2011

Getting Ready for the par-tay!

This was after the Temple at Andrea's house. And right before I fell on my caboose, LOL.

Custom made Converse....for Mrs. Calloway.

Andrea's colors started from the earrings Theo had given her.

That was a fun idea.

Love the nails.

The Mansefield Mafia ;)

This pic says alot...doesn't it?

Loved this.

I never said I was perfect. And I don't know whose fingers those are

Andrea's Fam.

Pic with the Mom's
You don't realise how many pics you take until you start going through everything. Oh well. It was fun. First pic was at Andrea's house, which was covered in snow. They literally were snowed in on thursday. One thing I had found out about living in snow country. They only plow the business areas. If your in a neighborhood, you're on your own. Ugh!! Anyway, I followed the fam over to help take some food to the chapel. I was in my sandals...with tights. Anyway I got to the top of the long driveway. And got the food, then Andrea says to me "Cindy, did you fall yet?" I say no and procede down the driveway, and .....Kathump! I think I might have just made that word up...but it is the only word that could describe the sound. So my black dress was covered in snow. It was alright. The other pics are of Andrea getting ready for the reception..and wedding party pics, and I still have some more...but I'm almost done. :)

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