I'm at this again. I've been blog surfing again. This was cute! If you post and you have kids, be sure to get the other family members answers, it will be fun. Mine, well...you'll see. :) HO HO HO!
Christmas Survey
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?- I like to wrap when I have time to be cute and crafty, if i'm in a hurry, definetly gift bags.
2. Real tree or artificial?- I love real trees. But I don't want to haul one from the lot by myself and try to drill a hole in the bottom for the water. So definetly artificial for this girl!
3. When do you put up your tree?- I usually like to put mine up the day after Thanksgiving.
4. When does the tree come down? Easy..after my birthday. And conincidentally, alot of Catholics do this, the 6th I think is Three Kings Day. And I heard alot of people take it down after that. Kind of funny...the latest I've let the decorations be up was til late February. ;)
5. Do you like Eggnog? YES, YES, YES!! :) I start buying it at Thanksgiving. I need to buy my grandma some. She has never had eggnog, and she is 87.
6. Favorite gift received as a child?- I got this ridiculous doll, It was the biggest doll I ever seen. I was spoiled. I loved all the presents my parents got me!
7. Hardest person to buy for?- My Dad was hard to buy for. My mom always bought him these plaid short sleeved work shirts, he never wore them...LOL.
8. Do you have a Nativity scene?- Yes I do. I love it, I bought it on clearance from JC Penney abt 10 yrs ago. It doesn't seem like Christmas until I have it up.
9. Mail or email Christmas cards?- Definetly mail!
10. Favorite Christmas movie?- It has to be Its a Wonderful Life. I have seen it at least 10 times!
11. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Last couple of years it has been the day after Thanksgiving. :p
12. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yes I have. I will have to share my thoughts on the White Trash Christmas...I look forward to it every year! ;)
13. Favorite thing to eat on Christmas?- Oh my gosh, too many things. But one thing I miss eating are my Grandma Jose's Empanada's. I haven't figured out her recipe. But when I do, I will definetly share with you!
14. Lights on tree?- Well, I have a fiberoptic....so yes.
15. Favorite Christmas song? Hark the Herald Angels Sing and Silent Night
16. Travel at Christmas or stay home?- I used to say stay home...now I say travel.
17. Can you name Santa's reindeer? - Now we have dasher and dancer, comet and vixen, donner and cupid...and ??? and blitzen but do you recall? the most famous reindeer of all bah dum bum bum.... *almost*
18. Angel or Star on top of tree? Growing up, we had a funny looking star thing..it was yellow and ballish looking. Looked like it was from the 70s. I currently like my angel on top of the tree, I'm very proud..I made her in Relief Society. A craft that actually turned out. 6 or 7 yrs now. I hope she lasts, cuz I don't remember how to make one, LOL.
19. Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas?- Growing up, I was allowed to open 1 on Christmas Eve. I don't have many to open...so I like to open them on Christmas now.
20. Most annoying thing abt this time of year?- The commericalism. Especially when they start decorating the stores in sept or oct.
21. Favorite theme or color of tree? I have heard of this..but I have never had a theme tree, nor do I want one. For me, my christmas ornaments are personal and special. Every ornament was either a gift from someone, or a special memory to me. If its a 'mishmash' than thats what I love then, mishmash or hodgepodge. I 'll have pics of my deocorations soon!
22. Favorite for Christmas dinner?- Ham or Prime Rib...but I usually have turkey :/
23. What do you want for Christmas this year? World Peace....and not to work Christmas Eve.
24. Favorite Christmas tradition?- One my parents and I liked to do...and I still do, is to go see Christmas lights. I loved to go to the Magical Forest at Opportunity Village and the Gift of Lights at Sunset Park. Now thats at the speedway. But one of my favorite traditions is coming back, the live Nativity. I went every year. It was so special. Redrock Stk is putting it on and I'm so going to see this! Can't wait.
25. Lastly..favorite thing abt Christmas?- I think the spirit of Christmas. The kind acts, and kind words at this time of year. But most importantly Celebrating the Birth of the Savior.
That's all from me!
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