It was a nice Thanksgiving, but busy! Grandma came over, dang. I forgot to take a picture. Next time. We ate, and ate and ate! I worked the night before, but I discovered a magical thing...
A turkey roaster! What an awesome invention! It cooked my 22 lb birdie in about 3 1/2 hours. While I slept. A huge thankyou to my friend for letting me borrow theirs. I cooked we ate, and cleaned the kitchen after..and I didn't even get to take a post Thanksgiving nap. It was madness this year, because Black Friday started up on Thanksgiving night! Its criminy I tell you! > :( We hit Target, standing on the street for about an hour before we were let in. I was already exhausted having only slept 3 hrs myself. But as the song goes We Only Just Begun...
We then went to Wal Mart...Yikes!!
Yes its crazy, but it was fun!
I got the Breaking Dawn soundtrack...which I'm in love with!! And the book Crossed, and my beloved Breaking Dawn Soundtrack . My friend got more things for the kids... and just being there in the madness is something to see. For me, it kind of kick starts me. I'm not sitting at home, i'm doing something!
Next was Target. That was nightmarish!
You had to walk the perimeter of the WHOLE STORE to wait to be called into a line. HORRIBLE. :(
And then...lastly was Best Buy. By this time its 3 am. I stayed in the store for about half hour, then went to the car to nap. Ugh. We then lastly went to breakfast at a old hangout. We all were sooo tired! We started laughing at the dumbest things, LOL.We ate at our favorite late night coffee shop to cap it off. Everything was just so backwards. Last year, we Started at 4! Very tired. I stumbled home around 530. Forgot my breakfast for my grandma, and then I crashed! Sleep is good. And pumpkin pie the next day is better. Especially when I didn't bake it, LOL.
The next day is leftovers day...and I made what I call Poor Man's Turkey soup, here's the recipe. This isn't is what is, but it is good!
1 Turkey Neck for the stock (I also heard to use the bones...I didn't do that.)
2 cloves garlic
1/2 an onion chopped
4-6 cups water...I think more like 6. I didn't make much stock. I'm a first timer.
2 cups shredded turkey
1-2 cups veggies (i.e carrots, celery, green beans or I just used a bag of frozen mixed veggies)
Poultry Seasoning and Pepper to taste
Noodles ( I used a box of macaroni)
Maybe a bay leaf would be good, but I didn't use that either.
I didn't cook this slow..but first I seasoned the turkey neck with salt and pepper and I minced the garlic and threw it in the careful. Garlic burns!
Next when the neck has browned I added my water and seasonings. I added my turkey and seasonings and veggies. Bring to a boil, then turn the fire down and add the veggies and macaroni. Makes a big pot!! I do think next time I will add more water, if you run short like me..add chicken stock. Yum!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Just a thought....
So...I grabbed this from Google. I tried to make 1, just 1 dozen rolls for Thanksgiving. If your rolls drop with a thud..thats a bad thing right? Craptastic. Well...I guess I'm going to go buy a bag of rolls. :) I give myself credit for trying...but I wish I could bake, its always a toss up for me. I got this supposedly easy 30 minute roll recipe for Pinterest. Mine looked like this and not the pinterest pic. I knew a friend on facebook who shared she made just 4 dozen rolls. Really? I can't even crank out one batch. Whatever. Here's hoping the rest of the dinner isn't a disaster. But at least I have a nice pumpkin pie from Costco. :) I AM thankful for that! May your turkey be plump, May your potatoes & gravy have never a lump, May your pies take the prize. And may your Thanksgiving Dinner stay off your thighs!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Weekend Stuff.
Latenight blogging session... begin! I didn't get to work too much this week, boohoo. Not really. I actually was kinda glad. But I did work on Thurday night and GASP!! I did not go to the premiere of Breaking Dawn, oh no!
Ha Ha. I do love the books..and the movies. Some people are critical..but not me! So I was hoping my 12 hrs would go by quickly..and I tried my hardest to stay off of Facebook. Because I didn't want to hear about how amazing the movie was. But...I was bad, and headed to the next showing as soon as I left work. As I sat in the theatre at 9am I found it so funny to see everyone eating popcorn and drinking their soda. Where's breakfast? ;) It was sooo good! Two things were missing that I wanted to see..First was when Bella and Edward told Charlie about the engagement, I would have LOVED to see that. The other minor things I wanted to see what Bella's before car would have looked like, they talked in depth in the novel. And the wedding scene was everything I was hoping for..the dress was beautiful in the back, kind of simple in the front. And the honeymoon in Isle Esme.....swoon. Kudos to the makeup department, Kristen looked absolutely horrible!! As a pregnant friend told me, it was hard to see her continue to carry the fetus, and then as she was giving birth hearing the cracking of the spine..ugh. And the drinking of the blood?! Gah! I see blood at least three times a week, and I was even a little squemish. Definetly want to see it again. Amazing!
Also this weekend I won this at a party!
Ha Ha. I do love the books..and the movies. Some people are critical..but not me! So I was hoping my 12 hrs would go by quickly..and I tried my hardest to stay off of Facebook. Because I didn't want to hear about how amazing the movie was. But...I was bad, and headed to the next showing as soon as I left work. As I sat in the theatre at 9am I found it so funny to see everyone eating popcorn and drinking their soda. Where's breakfast? ;) It was sooo good! Two things were missing that I wanted to see..First was when Bella and Edward told Charlie about the engagement, I would have LOVED to see that. The other minor things I wanted to see what Bella's before car would have looked like, they talked in depth in the novel. And the wedding scene was everything I was hoping for..the dress was beautiful in the back, kind of simple in the front. And the honeymoon in Isle Esme.....swoon. Kudos to the makeup department, Kristen looked absolutely horrible!! As a pregnant friend told me, it was hard to see her continue to carry the fetus, and then as she was giving birth hearing the cracking of the spine..ugh. And the drinking of the blood?! Gah! I see blood at least three times a week, and I was even a little squemish. Definetly want to see it again. Amazing!
Also this weekend I won this at a party!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Nov 16th.
I hope that this picture stays. Its a picture of water droplets. I really like this alot. I can't sleep and I think I need to get my feelings out there today. I think sometimes this is what my blog is for. Yesterday was the 16th. It was four years ago today that my life changed. I know The Plan. Death is apart of it, and I totally get that. But sometimes, its just so hard. I wonder if there will ever be a time that I can go through a store during holiday times by myself and not tear up? The night before, I didn't work. I went over to my grandma's to help her out with something. And I went to the grocery store for a few items. While I was shopping in the produce, I see this couple. The guy or lady, not sure which..had on a Neil Diamond t-shirt. My mother and I had attended his concert twice. He definetly was her favorite. So seeing this kinda put a lump in my throat. Not to mention, the holiday things. I got in my car and while I was driving I pretty much cried all the way ..and pulled myself together before I saw my grandma. I think its the times in the car listening to music that gets me emotional. GAH! I helped my grandma, and stayed up..and then realised my mom passed somewhere in the twelve o clock hour. I don't think I will ever forget things like that. Today, I just kept busy. I went to the cemetary, went to lunch and got my pedicure..with my friend. I'm so thankful for good friends. I didn't even shed a tear, until I got into the car again..and again I let it all out. I'm done now. Life will go on once more, but I will always have a day like today's and I know I am not the only one. One of my favorite songs I will leave with you.
Sorry if i'm down...i'm sponsored by Kleenex today. :(
Found this quote on Pinterest. But I couldn't pin..but I can copy and paste!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Time Out-Saturday
After staying up late on a whole three hours of sleep, oh my, Saturday note taking was not so good! But here's what I got out of my notes and of course my pictures.
Mariama Kallon- She shared her story about how she loved to go to school and be educated. She shared the horrific tale of how her family was murdered and she was raped. She shared about her conversion to the church, and how she began to read the Book of Mormon. She taught us the we need to forgive, because in forgiving others for whatever wrong was done, it will make us free. She was a recipient of a hygeine kit from the Humanitarian Center. She had that and her Book of Mormon. They were her most prized posessions. Sister Kallon is such a inspirational person. I love to hear from her! She spoke at my Stake Womens Conference a couple of years ago.
Brad Wilcox- God has a plan. When you wonder about your future, you can look back and see how God has guided you in your life. He gives opportunities to grow. He puts people in our lives that we need at that time. He knows the big picture. The miracle of the Atonement is that we all can be transformed. Brad was asked by a "born again" Christian "Have you been saved by Grace?" His response? Have you been CHANGED by grace? This more than just saying we are saved by grace, but rather learning to apply the Atonement in our lives and becoming perfected through Christ. The miracle of the Atonement is a doctrine of human development. Experiences happen in our lives and we choose to change. We don't always want trials and adversity, but we develop spiritually through these experiences. Easter egg analogy- When we dye eggs at Easter, we change the eggs as we dye them. This is a reminder that the Atonement changes us as we apply it to our lives.
Deanna Flynn- Simplify our lives, declutter.
Your the heart of your home.
Strive to keep your home a place like "a heaven on earth"
Deanna shared a story about a wayword son in junior high, and every night when the mother thought he was in his bed asleep, she whispered I love you every night. As he entered high school, he took a change. He was striving to do better. Honoring his priesthood. He even made the choice to serve a mission. When another friend had asked her for her advice, she said something, which I forgot..but anyways the son stood in the room and heard his mom and said "That wasn't it mom. Don't you remember? I waited for you everynight to hear you say you loved me. Thats what changed me." Oh, that warmed my heart!!
We then broke for lunch, and after lunch we put together the Possibility Packs for the Dove House Women's Shelter...
Wendy Ulrich- Key to being happy = Work on your strengths.
"I didn't call you for your weaknesses. I called your your strengths." Don't try to get motivated to exercise "Don't wait to get motivated. Do it anyway." SO TRUE!! Applies for me in areas like personal scripture reading, exercise.
Stop trying to find friends, instead develop skills of friendship.
Don't try to "feel happy" . Try to feel grateful. Write down 3 good things, and why they happened.
Hillary Weeks- She had this little clicker. Everytime she had a negative thought she would click it. She had quite a few, LOL. But then she reversed it to the positive instead of the negative. For one month, she prayed to Heavenly Father what was the most important thing to do for that day. Her to-do list was never long, one maybe two things to do for that day. One day she was prompted to write her daughter a little note. Her daughter later told her at that moment she needed to know she loved her. The video i'm sharing is the one she shared at TOFW. Its amazing!
Lastly..a little Time Out Swag!
So..what did I learn for me from all of this? I need to try a little harder to be a little better. :) I honestly love to read, but I admit scripture reading for me has been a challenge. But what I can say is this if I can spend time on Facebook, Pinterest, blogging...etc, etc. Why can't I read my scriptures, if not for a little bit. So far this week i've been striving for 10 minutes. And its been really good. I'm super proud. I have heard when we pray for certain things, that heavenly father may answer us back through reading the scriptures. I need to keep this up. :)
Mariama Kallon- She shared her story about how she loved to go to school and be educated. She shared the horrific tale of how her family was murdered and she was raped. She shared about her conversion to the church, and how she began to read the Book of Mormon. She taught us the we need to forgive, because in forgiving others for whatever wrong was done, it will make us free. She was a recipient of a hygeine kit from the Humanitarian Center. She had that and her Book of Mormon. They were her most prized posessions. Sister Kallon is such a inspirational person. I love to hear from her! She spoke at my Stake Womens Conference a couple of years ago.
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Misty and Mariama |
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Deanna Flynn, Wendy Ulrich, Mariama Kallon, Brad w/Mariama's hat and Hillary Weeks. |
Your the heart of your home.
Strive to keep your home a place like "a heaven on earth"
Deanna shared a story about a wayword son in junior high, and every night when the mother thought he was in his bed asleep, she whispered I love you every night. As he entered high school, he took a change. He was striving to do better. Honoring his priesthood. He even made the choice to serve a mission. When another friend had asked her for her advice, she said something, which I forgot..but anyways the son stood in the room and heard his mom and said "That wasn't it mom. Don't you remember? I waited for you everynight to hear you say you loved me. Thats what changed me." Oh, that warmed my heart!!
We then broke for lunch, and after lunch we put together the Possibility Packs for the Dove House Women's Shelter...
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Dang..I really didn't need another picture, oh well. Here we are in line. |
"I didn't call you for your weaknesses. I called your your strengths." Don't try to get motivated to exercise "Don't wait to get motivated. Do it anyway." SO TRUE!! Applies for me in areas like personal scripture reading, exercise.
Stop trying to find friends, instead develop skills of friendship.
Don't try to "feel happy" . Try to feel grateful. Write down 3 good things, and why they happened.
Hillary Weeks- She had this little clicker. Everytime she had a negative thought she would click it. She had quite a few, LOL. But then she reversed it to the positive instead of the negative. For one month, she prayed to Heavenly Father what was the most important thing to do for that day. Her to-do list was never long, one maybe two things to do for that day. One day she was prompted to write her daughter a little note. Her daughter later told her at that moment she needed to know she loved her. The video i'm sharing is the one she shared at TOFW. Its amazing!
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Peggy, Penny, Misty and Amanda! |
So..what did I learn for me from all of this? I need to try a little harder to be a little better. :) I honestly love to read, but I admit scripture reading for me has been a challenge. But what I can say is this if I can spend time on Facebook, Pinterest, blogging...etc, etc. Why can't I read my scriptures, if not for a little bit. So far this week i've been striving for 10 minutes. And its been really good. I'm super proud. I have heard when we pray for certain things, that heavenly father may answer us back through reading the scriptures. I need to keep this up. :)
Monday, November 14, 2011
Time Out- Friday
Its that time...
Sometimes you just need a time out.
Penny, Misty and Amanda..great ladies!
Friday was a long day. I worked on thursday night..not so much sleep. The amazing thing was that I did stay awake. Imagine that. It was so good. I wish evey weekend could be a Time Out!
The theme this year was Choose to Become- "All things are possible to him that believeth." MARK 9:23
My thoughts from Friday's session-
Jason Wright (Author of Wednesday Letters, Remember Charles, Christmas Jars)- Jason's father had passed away when he was 16 yrs old, something I can relate to. He shared some lessons from his Dad. Living your life with small moments of service everyday. Living your life "with eyes wide open". Billboard moments- also known as life defining moments, being in the right place at the right time. Jason had shared some experiences with his dad where he acted on the spirit. Whether it be helping a couple who was having a fight at the side of the road or the random stranger in his path..he had his eyes wide opened. Jason also shared a personal experience earlier this year while he was on a book tour a husband approached just as he was finishing the evening and had asked him to visit his wife who was in the hospital. And at the time, Jason had said he was really tired and he couldn't make it at this time. Something told him (the Spirit) told him to check on this woman and found out that she took a turn for the worst and passed. He was filled with regret and that was another example of being in the right place at the right time.
Heidi Swinston- ( Author of President Monson's Biography and Trail of Hope)
Becoming better- You can handle your obstacles, no matter what is thrown your way, when the Lord is with you.
D&C 84:88 " And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts and mine angels round about you, to bear you up."
The more we become like him, the more he is Right There!
"Be of Good Cheer and Do Not Fear, for I the Lord am with you and will stand by You." (love this)
We are the angels that will influence someone else's life.
Sister Swinston talked about how personable President Monson was..when she was overwhelmed and tired while writing the biography, he curled his index finger like to say come here, and had her come in the office to ask how she was REALLY doing. I just love President Monson.
We heard from Jenni Oaks Baker also tonight, here's a clip , she's amazing.
We wrapped up the evening...and we (ME!) Was starving..hehee! So we went here for our afterparty.
And it wouldn't be a Time Out..if I didn't get sucked back at the Deseret Book products, right?
But wait..there's more!
GAH!!!! :) Sister Swinston had some copies signed.
Sometimes you just need a time out.
Penny, Misty and Amanda..great ladies!
Friday was a long day. I worked on thursday night..not so much sleep. The amazing thing was that I did stay awake. Imagine that. It was so good. I wish evey weekend could be a Time Out!
The theme this year was Choose to Become- "All things are possible to him that believeth." MARK 9:23
My thoughts from Friday's session-
Jason Wright (Author of Wednesday Letters, Remember Charles, Christmas Jars)- Jason's father had passed away when he was 16 yrs old, something I can relate to. He shared some lessons from his Dad. Living your life with small moments of service everyday. Living your life "with eyes wide open". Billboard moments- also known as life defining moments, being in the right place at the right time. Jason had shared some experiences with his dad where he acted on the spirit. Whether it be helping a couple who was having a fight at the side of the road or the random stranger in his path..he had his eyes wide opened. Jason also shared a personal experience earlier this year while he was on a book tour a husband approached just as he was finishing the evening and had asked him to visit his wife who was in the hospital. And at the time, Jason had said he was really tired and he couldn't make it at this time. Something told him (the Spirit) told him to check on this woman and found out that she took a turn for the worst and passed. He was filled with regret and that was another example of being in the right place at the right time.
Heidi Swinston- ( Author of President Monson's Biography and Trail of Hope)
Becoming better- You can handle your obstacles, no matter what is thrown your way, when the Lord is with you.
D&C 84:88 " And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts and mine angels round about you, to bear you up."
The more we become like him, the more he is Right There!
"Be of Good Cheer and Do Not Fear, for I the Lord am with you and will stand by You." (love this)
We are the angels that will influence someone else's life.
Sister Swinston talked about how personable President Monson was..when she was overwhelmed and tired while writing the biography, he curled his index finger like to say come here, and had her come in the office to ask how she was REALLY doing. I just love President Monson.
We heard from Jenni Oaks Baker also tonight, here's a clip , she's amazing.
We wrapped up the evening...and we (ME!) Was starving..hehee! So we went here for our afterparty.
But look what I got.
Excellent!But wait..there's more!
GAH!!!! :) Sister Swinston had some copies signed.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Sweet November
I am trying to be positive in my post. Here are some pics off of my phone, I will explain as I go along. Thanks for visiting, wherever you come from and whoever you are...
And I gladly laugh at myself. Check this out...this was my first try at making a desert for relief society on Thurs night. Its called Pumpkin Dump Cake. House smelled great. Cake did not however. Something looked wrong, then I figured out what was missing, the melted butter! Yikes. :P
Wednesday I threw a baby boy shower...he says he didn't know. But thats a fib. :)
The conspiritors. ;)
Hospital pumpkin decorating humor...dead on arrival?
Thursday was Relief Society..and I was so excited to go. I got to listen to one of my favorite people Ginger Ewell. I felt so uplifted from my November blues..I have a gameplan. One of the things she said is to be a 100 percenter, go to church every Sunday, pray often , read your scriptures daily , atttend the temple,..something I really need to work on. An aha I heard at rs was when a sister had said when we pray for certain things and within the scriptures are our answers. I loved that. She also mentioned this picture, if this goes away it was a quotography and it says If this isn't your aren't my prince. Inspiring! As for the dessert..not touched. I kinda flubbed. Oh well.
As I was trying to fight my blues..earlier in the week, I had a thought. Get your hair done! I remember my mom saying this to me often, I was a regular highlighter, and sometimes I went often sometimes I was neglectful to myself. But I always feel so much better. Thanks Melinda...:)
Another thing I did was sometimg of a tradition for me now....I hit the craftshow. I do this every year.
The weird thing is this brings me comfort believe it or not. And I will tell you why.
This is Dee. She's extremly talented and makes really cute overalls, dresses, jackets. Something I've never shared before, and I think I should. Here goes. My passed away in November, her death for me was unexpected. I had infact came to this very craft show with her for my first time. I dragged her, but she loved it. Second year she couldn't come and I had cell phone in hand, and she was telling me her order for what she wanted. Soup in particular. But I had found Dee's designs..and I found this royal blue jacket for my mom. I had picked it out and it needed Dee was going to fix it for me and mail it. I was keeping it as a surprise for my mom, I can't remember now but I think I told her I bought her a jacket but she would have to wait to see it. She passed away two weeks later. Two weeks later after she was buried, my package arrived. I was so heartbroken. But..I did wear it around and it did give me comfort. I'm missing it right now, but, it was this memory that always leads me back to visit the craft festival. Its something for therapy. And my friend Lilly was with me..its always good to have girlfriends. :)
First I'm playing with my iphone. Isn't this house cool? I love when people go out of control with the decorations. :)
I love this picture. I like to call it Pumpkin in Labor..I take no credit, I only took a picture off of my friends camera, because I couldn't figure out that darn Facebook. is funny! Instagram is awesome.And I gladly laugh at myself. Check this out...this was my first try at making a desert for relief society on Thurs night. Its called Pumpkin Dump Cake. House smelled great. Cake did not however. Something looked wrong, then I figured out what was missing, the melted butter! Yikes. :P
Wednesday I threw a baby boy shower...he says he didn't know. But thats a fib. :)
The conspiritors. ;)
Hospital pumpkin decorating humor...dead on arrival?
Thursday was Relief Society..and I was so excited to go. I got to listen to one of my favorite people Ginger Ewell. I felt so uplifted from my November blues..I have a gameplan. One of the things she said is to be a 100 percenter, go to church every Sunday, pray often , read your scriptures daily , atttend the temple,..something I really need to work on. An aha I heard at rs was when a sister had said when we pray for certain things and within the scriptures are our answers. I loved that. She also mentioned this picture, if this goes away it was a quotography and it says If this isn't your aren't my prince. Inspiring! As for the dessert..not touched. I kinda flubbed. Oh well.
As I was trying to fight my blues..earlier in the week, I had a thought. Get your hair done! I remember my mom saying this to me often, I was a regular highlighter, and sometimes I went often sometimes I was neglectful to myself. But I always feel so much better. Thanks Melinda...:)
Another thing I did was sometimg of a tradition for me now....I hit the craftshow. I do this every year.
The weird thing is this brings me comfort believe it or not. And I will tell you why.
This is Dee. She's extremly talented and makes really cute overalls, dresses, jackets. Something I've never shared before, and I think I should. Here goes. My passed away in November, her death for me was unexpected. I had infact came to this very craft show with her for my first time. I dragged her, but she loved it. Second year she couldn't come and I had cell phone in hand, and she was telling me her order for what she wanted. Soup in particular. But I had found Dee's designs..and I found this royal blue jacket for my mom. I had picked it out and it needed Dee was going to fix it for me and mail it. I was keeping it as a surprise for my mom, I can't remember now but I think I told her I bought her a jacket but she would have to wait to see it. She passed away two weeks later. Two weeks later after she was buried, my package arrived. I was so heartbroken. But..I did wear it around and it did give me comfort. I'm missing it right now, but, it was this memory that always leads me back to visit the craft festival. Its something for therapy. And my friend Lilly was with me..its always good to have girlfriends. :)
This is my friend Jessica, Lilly' s sister. We are two days apart. I'm younger. I still think we were cribmates at Sunrise. :)
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