Two months later and I finally saw it! I broke my own rule, which was to see this movie AFTER I have read the book. Well, I'm half way though, i'm in India now. So not too much. I personally loved the movie. I loved the settings . And the food, um I was hungry after watching all the food being partaken of, LOL. I wanted to post my review on Flixster through Facebook. But Facebook messed up my stuff again! All my personal boxes are gone. I am not happy! But thankgoodness for my blog. As much as I enjoyed this film, I must not have enjoyed it as much as my friends did. I didn't find something funny, and they were both laughing so hard they had tears rolling down their eyes, LOL. I think it started in New York when she went to her boyfriends guru . I'm not sure. Have you ever felt like that. About the laughing I mean? It wasn't that I was in a bad mood or anything. But I had read the book up to a certain point and I guess I didn't find it funny or the need to laugh my brains out. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed this though. And now I really want to finish the book. And the casting of Richard was just how I pictured him. I loved the premise in the movie that she first needed to discover to love herself before she could love anyone else. I love that. Sometimes I feel like that right now. Four stars from me! Now, its time for me to get to work....housework that is. Bye for now.
I hope you enjoy the book as much as I did -- more than the movie. I went with Dona D from the ward. It was her second time and she said she enjoyed it so much more the second time because I was better company -- I laughed with her. There was more humor in the book, or my kind anyway.