Saturday, October 29, 2011


So, I totally cannot sleep right now, so here I am blogging tonight. Well, this week has certainly been better than last week..despite some setbacks.  First, last Friday went with grandma to the movies at Suncoast to see the Joseph Smith movie. On our way inside, there is a long walkway. So long in fact, they have a people mover thingy. Grandma gets on just fine, with her walker. I'm behind her and behind me is another elderly gentleman who has walker in tow and is leaning over it. We approach the end and Grandma can't push the walker off! She starts to fall backwards on to me, and I grab her. Nursing skills into action and I turn and pivot to keep both of us up. I miraculously get us off and some how lift the walker off and keep us from falling down. Unfortunately I twisted and injured my back. The rest of the weekend I was flat on my back and popping motrin 800 every 8 hrs. Monday came, and I made myself go to my gym and sit in the hot tub, later that day chiropractor saved me. Felt so much better..and even better, I got cancelled. Hooray!  But I even made it back later that night and started to walk again. Clocked my mile! And on Wednesday too. :)

The last few months I have had a love/hate relationship with exercise. My thing has been, I've felt so tired. I don't honestly know what propelled me monday to go back in, but I know that I pay every month no matter if I go or I decided to hop back in.  And the walls didn't fall down! Ha Ha.
I read a blog, that is promoting healthy choices, and its like a competition with others. Sounds like a good thing..but I'm going to try to be honest with myself and try it for me. So gym time was 2 times out of a possible 3 I should do. But, look at it this way...

So, in that respect i'm pretty proud of me this week. Now another part of the challenge was the spiritual side. I did finish a good motivational book.

Sometimes, I need a good motivational read. This is a good one. In preparing for a talk for Time Out For Women, Brother Wilcox looked up faith, hope and charity in the Bible dictionary. He found refrences for faith and charity..but no hope. How order to have hope we need to find it. Throughout this small book there are refrences from the scriptures he teaches that in finding hope we have look beyond obstacles and move forward with faith, and looking back at past experiences that may have prepared us for future challenges, and looking at the times when the Savior has walked with us. I could definetly identify with some of the stories in this book. So...this is my check for the spiritual this week, not to mention my sisters were visited.  And even at work, it was a way better week than last. No wishing for stepping on Legos.  ;)

As October is coming to a close, I'm kinda not looking forward to November. Its just sometimes so hard. But I will carry on and record my progress, feelings etc. Its good therapy, and cheaper than a therapist. Last reminder for me....and for you.

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