Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Visiting Teaching Tale

Last night, went to the Relief Society  Broadcast and witnessed a miracle. I arrived about 10 minutes late to find Sister O. at the door, who tells me we have a problem. I say "bill didn't get paid". She said she wished it was that simple, the cable to the chapels satellite feed had been cut. They receive the broadcast by satellite transmission. So the sisters were inside praying for a miracle. I found my seat, and we started singing hymns, then, a bishop from another ward just happened to stop by. No one had called him, and he was going to go to the chapel with his laptop to tap into the internet at the church. They had hooked up his laptop to the projector, so that we could see this broadcast. We were meant to see it. I loved President Uchtdorf's talk of the Forget Me Nots.  He reminded me that Lord is mindful of each and everyone of us. Married or single, young or old. After, we had a lovely dinner prepared by the Relief Society, I got to sit with my friends from the Willow Springs Ward. Fun to visit with them. Then, I made a plate to go visit a sister that I hadn't got the chance to meet yet. Since my blog is public, the only thing I will say is that she shares the same last name as mine. I went to see RaNae my VT companion, to retrieve the book I need to pass around. A Heart Like His. Anyway, we visited for a little bit and she offered to come with me to visit the sister...Here's how it comes, its funny.

*knock knock*

Who I thought was our visitee: "Who's there?"

Me and RaNae, who has been here a few times:  "Its us!"

Lady behind door:  "Who's Us?"

Me  :   "Your cousin!"

The lady opens the door and much to my surprise, out comes a Filipino lady...who is clearly not Donna, LOL.  I burst out laughing.  Dona told me three houses from the corner, but it was wrong. So we met the neighbor first. I was laughing so much. I might be the poster child for how not to do Visting Teaching, but we do have fun!

"Sisters, wherever you are, whatever the circumstances may be, you are not forgotten. No matter how dark your days may seem, no matter how insignificant you may feel, no matter how overshadowed you think you may be, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten you. In fact, He loves you, with an infinite love."        ~ President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

                                   Forget Me Not.

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