Went to see some fireworks...
I participated in a walk for a good cause with my coworkers
Also participated in a flu shot clinic
My friend Maria invited me to come to my second concert this summer- NKOTB!!!!
Dreams do come true!!! I was a New Kid fanatic as a teen, I never saw their show. It was awesome! 😊
I think the concert hall was filled with more 30 ish people ....but I saw some people in their 50's..what?!!
Finally Made it to Tule Springs!! Last time I had been.... eight!
Got invited to a water park Cowabunga Bay- last time I went- umm??? High School? It was fun...but
Then September...
Remembered my Moms birthday
And... It's canning time!!!
This was my friends box- I had help this year!! Well see the green lid jars? That was freezer jam.. Not processed.. Forgot to put in the freezer!! Ugh!!